Bamboo Salt

            Bamboo Salt Korean 한국어


  12548   08/25/12
Fighting against gastric cancer with bamboo salt and ginger liquorice soup

This year marks my sixty first birthday. Like all the other older folks who inevitably face degenerate illnesses, I was diagnosed with gastric cancer about four years ago. Although I had several symptoms of indigestion before, the doctors simply told me that it was caused by stress. And so, I have lived another year without knowing what was truly causing my pain.
One day, I had a bad stomachache which led to diarrhea. Thinking I overate, I took some pain relieving pills. However, the pain continued for days until the fourth day, on which I just couldn’t bear my condition anymore. I stayed in the hospital for about a week, and the CT results revealed the terminal stomach cancer. I was told that the carcinogens have spread all over my body and there was not much anyone could do from multiple notorious hospitals. I couldn’t eat well, nor sleep.
Informed of my illness, my nephew sent me a package of bamboo salt. I have never tried it before then, but ingested some anyway, desperately hoping that it would at least relieve my stomach pain. For about three months, I consumed ginger, rootlets, liquorice, baked garlic, with bamboo salted water. The results were truly unbelievable- even my doctor doubted if what he saw was actually a tumor, and checked the results from previous tests again. He tested for the presence of tumor again, and sure enough, it was one still, but a lot smaller. From that day on, I never went to the hospital again, and only ate the bamboo salts that actually helped me fight my symptoms. Now, I am just another happy, healthy man who no longer thinks he’s a victim of cancer.